티스토리 뷰

Continuity Activation tool icon


2016-06-13 : Version 2.3 버전으로 업데이트 되었습니다.

2016-06-13 : Continuity Activation Tool 2.3 released 

2015-10-09 : Version 2.1.3 정식 버전이 나왔습니다.

2015-10-09 : Version 2.1.3 Merged with the beta version. Should now work on 10.10 - 10.11

(But Still OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) does not support dongles yet.) 

SIP 보안오류로 진행이 안되면 아래 2번을 진행하세요.

(When you need to disable SIP, Please proceed to item 2 below.)

아래내용은 2.1.2 beta 버전 관련 내용입니다.

1. OS X Continuity Activation Tool 2.1.2 (Beta) Download (Not ZIP file, Clone Git Project) 


2. The supported way to disable System Integrity Protection (SIP)


The supported way to disable System Integrity Protection in those cases where it's truly necessary is to boot into the Recovery partition and turn System Integrity Protection off from there with the csrutil tool.


$ csrutil

usage: csrutil <command>

Modify the System Integrity Protection configuration. All configuration changes apply to the entire machine.

Available commands:


        Disable the protection on the machine. Requires a reboot.


        Enable the protection on the machine. Requires a reboot.


        Display the current configuration.

The kext-dev-mode and rootless boot-args are being removed from OS X El Capitan and will no longer work.


How to partially disable System Integrity Protection

Refer this Apple's article .

Follow these steps:

1. Boot to Recovery OS by restarting your machine and holding down the Command and R keys at startup.
2. Launch Terminal from the Utilities menu.
3. Enter the following command: csrutil enable --without debug
Reboot your computer.

3. to boot into the Recovery partition (command + R)


OS X El Capitan<<적용 모델 정보 : MacBook Pro 13 + Bluetooth 4.0 Module>>

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